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CJL Diamond Brokers Red Deer

Lab-Grown Diamonds

CJL Diamond Brokers Red Deer

Engagement Rings Red Deer


Exceptional Selection & Value

Engagement Rings Red Deer | CJL Diamond Brokers


Lab-grown diamonds, also known as cultured diamonds, are a revolutionary alternative to traditional mined diamonds. These diamonds are created in a controlled laboratory environment, using advanced technology to replicate the natural diamond formation process. By mimicking the conditions found deep within the Earth's crust, lab-grown diamonds are produced with the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as mined diamonds. What sets them apart is their ethical and environmental superiority.


Lab grown diamonds are priced up to 60-80% less than their mined counterparts, making them an affordable and sustainable choice for those seeking a beautiful and high-quality gemstone. Moreover, they are free of any environmental or humanitarian concerns associated with diamond mining, such as deforestation, water pollution, and human rights abuses.


If you are shopping for diamonds or an engagement ring, consider the sparkling allure of lab-grown diamonds that combine affordability, sustainability, and ethical peace of mind.

Physically Identical


Lab grown diamonds, also known as synthetic diamonds, are created in a controlled environment using advanced technology. They possess the same chemical composition, optical properties, and physical characteristics as diamonds extracted from the Earth's crust. Through a meticulously controlled process, these diamonds are grown atom by atom, replicating the natural formation of diamonds over thousands of years. This remarkable resemblance to earth-mined diamonds makes lab grown diamonds a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative that embodies the beauty and allure of their naturally occurring counterparts.


By choosing to purchase lab grown diamonds, not only are you acquiring a stunning piece of jewelry, but you are also contributing to the elimination of conflict within the traditional diamond market. These ethically sourced diamonds are grown in a controlled environment, ensuring their quality and minimizing harm to the environment. Be part of the movement that promotes sustainable and responsible practices while enjoying the beauty of lab grown diamonds.

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What are Lab Grown Diamonds?

Jewelry Appraisal Near Me | CJL Diamond Brokers

Lab grown diamonds (also called lab created, man made, engineered, synthetic or cultured diamonds) are in fact chemically, optically and physically identical to earth mined diamonds, but are more ethical, and affordable than any earth mined diamond. We're replicating the earth's natural process by crystallizing carbon in a modern-day lab environment into brilliant diamonds that are priced up to 60%-80% less, and are free of any environmental or humanitarian concerns.


Yes! It's a fact that lab created diamonds are real diamonds, identical in every way (but the price!) to mined diamonds. Not to be confused with cubic zirconia or a "look-a-like" diamond, LAB GROWN DIAMONDS ARE 100% PURE CRYSTALLIZED CARBON. Think of it as making ice in your modern-day freezer versus getting it from a glacier; both are frozen H2O regardless of the origin. We are crystalizing carbon into stunning rough diamonds that are then cut, polished and graded just like earth mined diamonds. Lab created carry the same optical, physical and chemical properties. They have the same refractive index, dispersion, and hardness, and are graded to the same standards as mined diamonds by leading independent gemological institutes including IGIGIA and GCAL.

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